
72. Infanterie-Division

The 72. Infanterie-Division was formed on 19 September 1939 from Grenz-Division Trier. After breaking out of the Cherkassy pocket in February 1944, it was withdrawn to Poland. It was refitted there in March 1944 as part of the 24. Welle from Schatten-Division Generalgouvernement. Reformed again after suffering heavy losses at the Baronow bridgehead on the Vistula, the division surrendered to the Red Army in May 1945 in the Erzgebirge region of Czechoslovakia.

Area of operations

West wall (Sep 1939 - May 1940) 
France (May 1940 - Apr 1941) 
Balkans (Apr 1941 - July 1941) 
Eastern front, southern sector (July 1941 - Sep 1942) 
Eastern front, central sector (Sep 1942 - Dec 1943) 
Eastern front, southern sector (Dec 1943 - Mar 1944) 
Poland (June 1944 - Mar 1945) 
Czechoslovakia (Mar 1945 - May 1945) 


