

The parade dress tunic( Waffenrock  )was introduced in June 1935,thigh-length eight-button tunic made of  fine feldgrau tricot.It was designed without external pockets and cut to fit closely.Waffenfarbe piping edged the collar, cuffs, front closure, and scalloped rear vent.

The color of the tunic is officially described as field-grey,but field- green is probably a more appropriate description.The trousers were of a stone-grey fabric,with waffenfarbe piping down the outer seam.

Below is waffenrock tunic of Generalmajor Erwin Rommel

Infantry NCO waffenrock tunic

Please click here for quality repro german general M35 waffenrock tunic.
Please click here for quality repro german officer M35 waffenrock tunic.
Please click here for quality repro german NCO/EM M35 waffenrock tunic.
Please click here for matching trousers
Please click here for matching breeches

